Friday, December 4, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things...

1. When Christian puts his little index finger to his chin and says, "Hmmm, yet's see...."

2. When Christian tilts his head to the side and says "Sminal" when someone takes a picture.

3. When I hear Christian wake up in the morning and open his door, only to find him laying in the doorway fast asleep when I go to get him a few minutes later.

4. Christian's little voice saying, "Mama...uuvvv ooooo" (love you)

5. The incessant asking of "Pwease, pwease, pwease..." when I have no idea what Christian is actually asking for.

6. The pure bliss that comes over Christian when he sees a cat. "OOOOOHHH, MEOWWWW!"

7. Sweet little slobbery kisses from my sweet little boy....

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"Please listen, or Mommy will lose her mind..."

Yep, I actually said that to Christian today. And in the moment, I was completely convinced of the FACT that I would, indeed, lose my mind in any given moment if he didn't listen. We were in Michael's arts and crafts store and I just needed a few things... of course this turned into a half hour trip trying to keep an almost two year old under control in a store where there are so many "Touchables".

Why wasn't he in a cart you ask? Well, namely because the skies have been pouring rain since early this morning, and apparently every cart in the store had been left out at some point and they were all now sufficiently SOAKED. Nope, wasn't going to try to explain to Christian why it was okay that he get all wet... so the walking around the store ensued.

Aggghhhhh.... If I had a dollar for everytime I said "Please don't touch!" or "Christian, follow Mommy, please," I'd be a rich, rich woman.

Then came the entertaining moment of trying to figure out how to grab my bag after checkout and pick Christian up with my 31 week pregnant belly in the way and carry him and the bag and my purse through the pouring down rain without an umbrella. :) If that moment didn't make me lose my mind, then maybe (just maybe) I'll survive. :)

ahhh, motherhood....never a dull moment.

Monday, September 28, 2009

I love blustery fall days

And everything that goes with them. The smell of crisp, cool air. The leaves beginning to turn and crunch underfoot. The smell of apple cider and cinnamon, and woodsmoke as people fire up those fireplaces for the first time (I miss my fireplace!). I just LOVE fall!

I've decided fall is a great season to be pregnant in, too. Since I constantly feel as though someone's turned up the therostat inside my body, the cool air is a welcome feeling.

I also just realized today that we are four months from our due date. That may seem long to some of you, but four months is so short in the grand scheme! CRAZY to think in four months I'll have two children...that thought still overwhelms me sometimes! :) but in a good way of course.

In the meantime, I'm enjoying feeling Elena kick me more and watching Christian continue to grow and mature as a little boy. He's no longer a how time flies!

I can't wait to continue to watch and learn as all these seasons change...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Making it...

Yesterday was awful. I threw up most of the morning and felt just horrible the rest of the day. I didn't shower, never changed out of my pajamas, and just felt general disgusting. I know I probably had these days last time with Christian, but I feel like it's so much worse this time. Probably due to the fact that I'm trying to keep an 19 month old entertained this time around.

Poor Christian was cooped up inside all day and starting to go crazy and definitely driving me crazy. If I had a dollar for everytime I had to say (sometimes loudly) "No, Christian!" I wouldn't need to work at all! :)

This process the second time around is just so exhausting! I feel like a bad mom a lot of the time, but know that this just comes with the territory. I guess this too shall pass, and then I'll have another whole set of adjustments to make when there's two kiddos to take care of!

trying to keep my sanity,

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Trying a new thing

After discussing the fact with Nathan that it was just "weird" that I didn't have a blog that I update on a regular basis with my thoughts and musings, etc... I have decided to try this one more time. I still have the and I will post pics and things there. But this will primarily be a spot for my (sometimes mindless) musings as I try to survive motherhood. :) Thanks for tuning in!