Monday, September 28, 2009

I love blustery fall days

And everything that goes with them. The smell of crisp, cool air. The leaves beginning to turn and crunch underfoot. The smell of apple cider and cinnamon, and woodsmoke as people fire up those fireplaces for the first time (I miss my fireplace!). I just LOVE fall!

I've decided fall is a great season to be pregnant in, too. Since I constantly feel as though someone's turned up the therostat inside my body, the cool air is a welcome feeling.

I also just realized today that we are four months from our due date. That may seem long to some of you, but four months is so short in the grand scheme! CRAZY to think in four months I'll have two children...that thought still overwhelms me sometimes! :) but in a good way of course.

In the meantime, I'm enjoying feeling Elena kick me more and watching Christian continue to grow and mature as a little boy. He's no longer a how time flies!

I can't wait to continue to watch and learn as all these seasons change...